Welcome to the Medical Education Fellowship
The Medical Education Fellowship through the Department of Emergency Medicine is a 2-year fellowship designed to advance knowledge and skills in a variety of areas pertinent to medical education. While working part-time as an emergency department (ED) attending, the fellow will complete a Master’s degree program in education, while also participating in on-site educational activities. Fellows participate in a variety of educational research projects and have the opportunity to train with other attendings who have subspecialty training in many relevant areas.
We hope you will enjoy reading about the amazing experience of living in Brooklyn, while training to become an outstanding medical educator!
The Medical Education Fellowship experience
The Medical Education fellowship at Maimonides is a 24-month fellowship consisting of 3 significant classes of activity: part-time attending work, completion of a Master’s degree, and training in a variety of medical education subspecialties.
The fellow is contracted to work no more than 18 clinical hours per week as a part-time attending physician in the Emergency Department. The fellow has the same health insurance, hourly/overtime rate, and benefits package as full-time ED attendings. While working clinically, the fellow will work a mixture of independent shifts as well as teaching shifts with residents and/or medical students.
The fellow will complete a Master’s degree in education (the current fellow is completing a Master of Academic Medicine through the University of Southern California) with a protected schedule to allow for class attendance. The fellow is responsible for sharing knowledge gleaned from the Master’s degree with Maimonides faculty during ongoing participation in curriculum development and faculty CME.
An abbreviated version of the fellowship curriculum is provided in the table below. While there are certainly fundamental and standardized aspects of the fellowship, the wealth of opportunities at Maimonides allows the fellowship to be tailored to the interests of the fellow. If you are interested in applying for the fellowship and would like to hear more regarding the specifics of the curriculum, please contact us.
Goals of the Medical Education Fellowship
Educational Research
- To develop the skills necessary to conduct educational research within the ED
- To become facile with standards and innovations in educational research
- To become familiar with EM education funding resources
Faculty Professional Development
- To provide up-to-date educational techniques to the EM faculty
- To assist in continuing medical education for the EM faculty
- To develop a program for “teaching the teacher” and educating ED faculty on effective, lecture-based, and bedside education techniques
Formal Education Training
- To provide the fellow with proven and current techniques for medical education
Graduate Medical Education Administration
- To assist in the process of improving resident conference and developing asynchronous educational activities
- To learn the basics of residency administration
- To assist the program director in various duties of residency administration
- To attend and participate in local/regional/national forums related to residency programs and resident education
Graduate Medical Resident Education
- To assist EM residents in research article interpretation
- To assist EM residents in completion of medical education research
- To assist EM residents in educational development and support improvement in in-service exam scores and test-taking strategies
- To assist EM residents in educational development and presentation development
- To standardize and maximize the benefit of case-based EM education
International Activities
- To assist in the creation and maintenance of international rotations
Medical Student Education
- To learn the logistics and administrative/technical aspects of medical student education
- To become proficient in providing education to medical students via supervision, lectures, and simulation didactic
- To provide the ED with up-to-date medical student education techniques
Multidisciplinary Team Education
- To provide medical education to different groups of healthcare providers including ED nurses and patient care technicians, and to provide education on teamwork strategies
Regional/National Organization Activities
- To attend and participate in local/regional/national forums related to residency programs and resident education
- To assist residents in regional/national conference participation
- To learn basic simulation design and programming techniques
- To understand the role of and evidence for simulation in medical education
- To provide simulation education to residents from the ED and other programs within the institution
The future of medical care is you
Our program strives to provide the best educational experience in an environment that balances academic and clinical activities. We take great pride in our success in preparing residents to become the next generation of expert practitioners. For more information on the Medical Education Fellowship, please call (718) 283-6029.