Paying your bill
You can pay your bill:
- Online – Visit
- By phone – Call (888) 567-2811
- By mail – Send checks payable to:
Maimonides Medical Center
P.O. Box 412909, Boston, MA 02241-2909
- Financial Services – (718) 283-7790
- In-person – Visit our cashier’s offices at our main hospital location: Maimonides Cashiers Office, 4802 10th Avenue, 1st Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11219. Cashiers are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. We also accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover cards; bank debit (payment plans); and money orders
Your hospital bill reflects:
- Diagnostic testing, treatment of illness or medical services
- Medical supplies
- Room and board
Maimonides, our outpatient locations, and our physician practices accept most insurance plans. If you have a participating health insurance plan and provide us with your policy information, we will file your insurance claims for you. Your plan sets your coverage level. You are expected to provide co-pays and deductibles for office visits and inpatient/outpatient procedures at each visit. Please make sure you understand your coverage and responsibilities and advise us of any changes to your insurance information or mailing address. You will find a list of participating insurance plans below.
Your Rights and Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills
When you get emergency care or are treated by an out-of-network provider at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, you are protected from balance billing. In these cases, you shouldn’t be charged more than your plan’s copayments, coinsurance and/or deductible. Learn More
Committed to helping our patients in any way we can
We know paying for care can sometimes be difficult; that’s why our staff is committed to providing financial assistance plans to help you and your loved ones. Our financial services counselor is here to answer any of your questions. If you need financial assistance, please call (718) 283-7790.
Billing questions?
Call us at (888) 567-2811 or email us at
Please put your patient account number in the subject line. Do not include sensitive or personal information like social security numbers or credit card information in your email.
Insurance plans
We accept a variety of insurance plans
Even if you have insurance, it is important to make sure your insurance plan covers specific physicians or services by checking the Physician Directory or calling (718) 283-2273. It is also important to know if your plan covers inpatient and outpatient anesthesia services by contacting AABP, LLP anesthesia services at (718) 283-8816 or
Medicaid Recertification
If you or a family member currently has health insurance through New York State Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or the Essential plan, you may need to take action to renew your health insurance.
Here are some things you can do now to renew:
- Make sure your contact information is up to date with your insurance plan and the New York State of Health,including your current mailing address, phone number, and email address so they can contact you about your health insurance. To update your information, call NY State of Health at 1-955-355-5777 or visit
- Sign up for text alertsfrom NY State of Health for latest insurance updates. To subscribe, text START to 1-866-988-0327.
- When it is time to renew your health insurance,you will receive a letter from NY State of Health or a renewal packet with information about your coverage. Fill out and submit your renewal form.
Learn more about the important changes to New York Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or the Essential Plan at NY State of Health.
Financial assistance plans
If you do not have health care coverage and cannot pay your bill, we will ask you to speak to a financial services counselor at (718) 283-7790. Our counselors can help you complete a financial assistance application in English, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Creole, French, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Urdu, and Yiddish.
Financial assistance frequently asked questions
What if I don’t have insurance and can’t pay my hospital bill?
Maimonides provides reduced fees for medically necessary nonemergency services for low-income New York City residents who are uninsured or have exhausted their health benefits. Financial assistance for emergency services is also available to low-income residents of New York State or on a case-by-case basis for patients who do not meet the financial eligibility criteria but face extraordinary medical costs.
How do I obtain the financial assistance policy (FAP)?
You can find the FAP application form and summary here. You can also request paper copies of these documents without charge from the Financial Services Department at 983 48th Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11219, as well as the hospital emergency room, admission areas, and points of patient service.
Are all services covered?
Coverage requires services to be medically necessary. Those not covered, include copayments and deductibles, items that are not medically necessary (e.g., cosmetic procedures), items without clinical or therapeutic benefit (e.g., telephones, television, and private room differential charges), and services not billed by the hospital (e.g., anesthesia services, charges by some physicians).
How do I qualify for financial assistance?
You must speak with a financial counselor who will work with you to determine if you are eligible for public insurance (e.g., Medicaid, Child Health Plus, Prenatal Care Assistance Program), a reduced fee, or other financial assistance. Please contact our financial services department at (718) 283-7790. You must provide any needed information or documentation for the financial assistance application. For outpatient mental health services, please contact the psychiatry cashier/registration at (718) 283-8177. You must request financial assistance within 240 days of the date you receive your 1st post-discharge bill for the services for which you need assistance. You will receive an answer in writing about your eligibility within 30 days. If you are approved, you will be informed of the amount of your fee reduction and issued a revised bill.
What happens if my application is declined?
You may appeal the decision within 30 days of notification. Appeals should be made in writing (or in person, by appointment) to the Senior Vice President of Finance at 983 48th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219. For outpatient mental health services, appeals should be made in writing to the Director of Reimbursement at 4802 Tenth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219. If your appeal is declined, we will work with you to develop a realistic and fair payment plan, while recognizing the financial obligation for the services provided.
What happens if I am approved and need additional treatment?
Approval of eligibility for discounted fees is valid for 1 year, at which point we review eligibility again.
May I pay my bill in installments?
You may request an installment payment plan from a financial counselor.
Does the financial assistance plan cover psychiatric and nursing home services?
Nursing home care is not covered. Inpatient psychiatric services provided by Maimonides are covered, but a separate financial assistance program exists for outpatient mental health services, including prescriptions. For more information, please call (718) 283-8144.
Are laboratory tests covered?
Reduced fees are available for medically necessary laboratory tests, x-rays, and other ancillary services performed at Maimonides if you meet the other eligibility criteria.
Is my financial assistance made public?
All information in your FAP application is kept confidential.
General information about financial assistance
- FAP Application Form
- 2019 Psychiatry Sliding Scale Fee Chart
- 2024 Sliding Scale Fee Discount Schedule for Inpatient & Outpatient Services
- Financial Assistance Policy
- Medical Screening Examination and Stabilization Policy
- Outpatient Mental Health Services Financial Assistance Policy
- Billing And Collection Policy
Our financial service counselors are here to help
If you or a loved 1 has questions about patient financial assistance, please reach out and contact our financial service counselors at (718) 283-7790. Our compassionate and expert staff is committed to enhancing your patient experience as best we can.