Maimonides Medical Center protects the confidentiality of every patient’s medical record. As a patient, you have the right to access your medical records. There is a variety of ways to request your medical records, including:
- In-Person
Requests for treatment purposes (continuity of care) will be expedited; all other requests will be processed within the designated timeframe of 10 business days. A signed Authorization form along with a copy of a photo ID needs to be provided prior to processing. Maimonides Medical Center Authorization Form
Maimonides Medical Center Medical Records
Walk-in address:
745 64th Street (Building closest to 8th Avenue)
Second Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm
Phone: 718-283-7254
Mailing Address:
4802 10th Avenue, Brooklyn NY, 11219
Attention: Medical Records
Radiology Department (images)
4802 10th Avenue,
3rd Floor, Radiology File Room,
Brooklyn, NY 11219 Contact
Phone: 718-283-7113
Billing Department (Billing Records)
Phone: 718-283-6740
Mailing Address:
4802 10th Avenue, Brooklyn NY, 11219
Attention: Patient Accounts
Pathology Department (pathology slides)
Phone: 718-283-8800
Midwood Community Hospital Medical Records
2525 Kings Highway
Brooklyn, New York 11229
Attention: Medical Records
Phone: 718-692-5377
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get a copy of my medical record?
Patient information and data may only be released upon receipt of a written request with appropriate patient authorization, valid subpoena, and a court order or as otherwise required by law enforcement.
- An adult (18 years old or older): The patient or their lawfully appropriate representative can gain access to medical documents with documentation.
- A minor (under 18 years of age): Complete and submit the Maimonides Medical Center Authorization form. In many instances, a parent or legal guardian may make a petition on behalf of a minor. For additional guidance, please contact the Medical Records Department.
- Legal Representative: A legal representative or appointed guardian should send proper supporting documentation (i.e., durable power of attorney/healthcare power of attorney, healthcare proxy) along with the authorization for release.
Is there a form I can complete to obtain a copy of my medical records?
- Yes, the Maimonides Medical Center Authorization form.
- If you need assistance with the form, please contact the Medical Records department at 718- 283-7254.
- The completed form should be submitted to the Medical Records department. They can be sent via email, fax, mail or in person.
Authorization Form language translations
What can I do if I want my medical records sent to my doctor?
- Please download and complete the Maimonides Medical Center Authorization form and include your physician’s information, including physician’s name, mailing address, phone number and fax number.
- Your physician may submit a request for your records to the Medical Records Department.
Authorization Form language translations
How long will it take to receive the medical records?
- Requests for treatments such as going to a follow-up appointment, consultation or another healthcare facility will be expedited.
- Requests from the patient and/or proper patient representative will be processed within 10 business days from the date received.
- All other requests (For example, disability requests and those from attorneys and insurance companies) are processed within 10 business days of receipt, unless extenuating circumstances exist, in which case you will be contacted by Health Information Services/Medical records personnel.
How can my records be sent to me?
Records can be sent electronically or paper copy via certified or registered mail (i.e., USPS/FEDEX/UPS).
Do I need to come in person to pick up my medical records?
They will be sent as requested in the request form unless you define that you would pick them up in person.
I'm a healthcare proxy. How can I get a copy of my parent's medical record?
Please provide the supporting documentation to the Medical Records Department.
What can I do when I would like a copy of my own radiology films, pathology slides, mammogram and/or bills?
Please contact Radiology, Pathology, Mammogram and Billing Department directly please see the contact numbers above.
What is an abstract?
An abstract is a summary of the medical documentation required for treatment purposes (continuity of care) which includes, but isn’t limited to, the discharge note/instructions, procedure/operative reports, consultations, history, and physicals, labs, imaging studies, etc.
Information in my medical record is wrong. How can I fix it?
You can request a change or amendment by completing and submitting a Request for Amendment of Protected Health Information.
How can I request an expired patient’s medical records?
In order for Medical Records to process the request for a deceased patient, documents listed below are required:
- Authorization Form or Hand Written Letter (Signed)
- Affidavit (signed and notarized) or Letter of Administration
- Copy of the Death Certificate
- Copy of requester’s photo ID