Trained specialists working together to analyze your health

The department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Maimonides performs a wide variety of anatomic and clinical laboratory tests on a 24-hour, 7 days a week schedule. Our team begins with a dedicated phlebotomy staff that delivers blood from patients to the laboratory for analysis. Specially trained laboratory staff in the chemistry, hematology, and microbiology divisions analyze these specimens, along with other body fluids.

Sub-specialties of pathology include surgical and cytopathology. Surgical pathology provides the diagnosis of surgically removed tissue, while the cytopathology division performs fine needle aspirates and makes diagnoses of cells from these aspirates and other specimens, such as pap smears.

Dedicated to providing quality patient care, the Pathology and Laboratory Medicine staff works closely with all Maimonides departments to obtain, analyze, and diagnose infectious and non-infectious diseases.

Call (718) 283-8257 to make an appointment with our pathology and laboratory medicine team

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