Event Recap: Maimonides Holds 17th Annual Cancer Survivors Day

On Tuesday, June 13, Maimonides Health hosted its 17th annual Cancer Survivors Day event at Dyker Beach Golf Course, honoring the bravery, strength, and resilience of cancer patients who have received or are currently undergoing treatment at Maimonides Cancer Center. The event also recognized patients’ families, loved ones, and caretakers who have supported them throughout their journey, along with the Cancer Center staff at Maimonides.

In addition to dinner and music provided by the Mazel Tov Cocktail Band, featuring Maimonides oncologists, the event included presentation of Cancer Survivors Awards. These awards were presented to patients who showed exceptional bravery and determination in overcoming their cancer diagnoses. These awards were presented to Tammy Smith, Isabella Bardon, and Ann Ljuba by Maimonides oncologists Dr. Rebecca Rhee; Dr. Ludovico Guarini; Dr. Mahmut Celiker; and Dr. Joshua Feinberg.

“I love my doctors so much,” said Isabella Bardon. “They were so supportive and they made having cancer more comfortable for me even though it was the most uncomfortable thing I ever had to go through. I am so thankful for them.”

“I want to thank the staff at Maimonides for being so kind and caring,” said Ann Ljuba. “Every time I was there, and some days were very difficult, they were there to support me.”


Celebrating Increased Cancer Survivorship Here at Maimonides and Nationwide

Maimonides Cancer Center has supported patients like these since it opened as the first fully accredited cancer center in Brooklyn. Last year, its busiest year since opening, the center saw a record 110,000 patient visits.

“This would have never been possible without our administration building the very first cancer center in Brooklyn,” said Dr. Patrick Borgen, Chair of the Department of Surgery and Head of the Maimonides Breast Center. “Imagine that in 2005, there was no cancer center in Brooklyn – a city of 3 million people. Maimonides saw the need, and on a tight budget filled it.”

As diagnosis and treatment methods have improved, so have the numbers of patients able to overcome cancer.

“We’ve made great progress in how we treat cancer. Over the past three decades, we’ve seen more than a third increase in the number of survivors of cancer across this country,” said Dr. Kevin Becker, Chief of the Division of Hematology Medical Oncology at Maimonides Cancer Center. “That’s 3.8 million people. That’s because we have so much more that we can do for patients diagnosed with cancer, from preventative measures, to better screening and better treatment. So we’re here tonight to celebrate how many more people are here, seeing birthdays, seeing babies born, seeing nieces, seeing graduations, seeing marriages. 3.8 million people, and we have just a subset of those here tonight to celebrate that accomplishment.”

Maimonides oncologists Dr. Susan Burdette-Radoux and Dr. Ludovico Guarini were presented with American Cancer Society Relay for Life Awards. Millie Diaz, mammography technologist at Maimonides Breast Center, was presented with the Community Engagement Award for her work informing and connecting the community with the Breast Center’s services.

To see News 12 coverage of the event’s highlights, visit: https://brooklyn.news12.com/maimonides-celebrates-cancer-survivors. For more information on Maimonides Cancer Center, visit https://maimo.org/treatments-care/cancer-center/ or call (718)765-2500.

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