Event Recap: Ride 2 Live – 2022

Returning for the first time since the pandemic began, Maimonides Health’s 14th annual Ride 2 Live brought out the motorcycle enthusiasts and supporters on September 24th, a gorgeous Saturday with perfect riding conditions. Hosted in partnership with the Bikers of Brooklyn riding club, this iconic event was established to support the Maimonides Breast Cancer and boost awareness around breast cancer prevention, screenings, and care. Starting at Maimonides Breast Center, the ride took participants across Brooklyn, culminating in a celebration at Maimonides Park in Coney Island.

Want to check out more on Ride 2 live?

Press coverage from Brooklyn News 12 and The Brooklyn Paper.

Start of the inspiring Ride 2 Live journey.

Photos of the event with the Maimonides Breast Cancer team.

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