The Executive Medical Council (EMC) has approved the new policies and changes to current policies, as listed in the notice. The EMC has the power to approve “technical/editorial” amendments to the By-Laws as are, in its judgment, technical or legal modifications or clarifications, reorganization or renumbering of the By-Laws, or amendments made necessary because of punctuation, spelling or other errors of grammar or expression. The EMC has the power to approve “urgent” amendments to the Medical Staff Rules and Regulations necessary to comply with laws and regulations. Policies, and technical and urgent amendments, as approved by the EMC, remain in effect until it is repealed or amended.
Pursuant to the Medical Staff By-Laws, the voting members of the Medical Staff may request that a proposed new or revised policy, be recalled by submitting a petition signed by at least 40 voting members of the Medical Staff within 30 days of adoption by the EMC, and within 90 days of adoption for technical and urgent amendments.
Use the online form below to submit your petition for disapproval to any policy, or technical or urgent amendment listed in the notice.